Posted on 05 March 2015. Tags: “RUMBLE, 2014.12.12, Horses, LIVE, Tokyo, TRAILER, Video, Zepp, 斉藤和義

斉藤和義 Blu-ray&DVD/CD KAZUYOSHI SAITO LIVE TOUR 2014“RUMBLE HORSES” Live at ZEPP TOKYO 2014.12.12 2015.3.18 OUT Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted in Videos

Posted on 03 December 2014. Tags: Hello, Tokyo, Video, Winner, Zepp

Hello! WINNER at Zepp Tokyo 140505 – from the 2014 S/S Japan Collection DVD. Get to know the members of Winner better through their fan meeting in Tokyo during their Zepp tour!! Enjoy~ [P.S….

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Posted in Videos


Posted on 14 August 2013. Tags: 2013, Can’t, Eyes, Take, Tokyo, Video, Zepp

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted in Videos