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Trump wants Tokyo and Seoul to strike North Korea together

published: 2017-04-13 13:02:40 The US President Donald Trump has promised the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe that Washington would consult with Tokyo before undertaking any acts against North Korea. Head of the White House expressed his understanding of risks Japan would face in case military force is applied against North Korea. Tokyo fears that the country may become a target for a retaliatory strike of Pyongyang under such events. The same promise has been given to Seoul. The US President has also reported that Washington had prepared a new set of sanctions against Chinese companies which work with North Korea. They may be imposed if Beijing does not cooperate with the US to close nuclear missile program of Pyongyang. Restricting economic measures may also be applied against North Korea itself.

As Pravda.Ru reported, the US National Security Council presented Trump with possible options of how to oppose the North Korean nuclear threat. They include possible deployment of part of the US nuclear arsenal in South Korea, annihilation of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, as well as conduct of subversion in the territory of North Korea in order to disrupt its key infrastructure facilities.