
Posted on 13 May 2013. Tags: Cats, Jungle, Part, Pomeranian, Tokyo, Unlocks, Video

Facebook: Akimbo MyGherkin (www.facebook.com/AkimboMyGherkin) Twitter: AkimboMyGherkin (www.twitter.com/#1/AkimboMyGherkin) Twitch.TV: AkimboMyGherkin (twitc…

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Posted in Videos


Posted on 09 December 2012. Tags: Crocodile, encounters, Jungle, Part, Pomeranian, Tokyo, Video

Tokyo Jungle Playlist: www.youtube.com My Website: www.thereplaylounge.com My facebook: www.facebook.com My twitter: www.twitter.com My formspring: www.formspring.me Contribute Gaming merchandise to me for my Walkthrough’s by purchase on my amazon wishlist. All products are shipped directly to me. amzn.com Contribute Food merchandise for my food videos by purchase on my amazon wishlist. All products are shipped […]

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Posted in Videos

Posted on 12 October 2012. Tags: Embrace, Jungle, PlayStation, Pomeranian, Review, Tokyo, Within

Embrace the Pomeranian Within – Tokyo Jungle Review for PlayStation 3 Tokyo Jungle is set about a decade after humanity strangely vanished from the face of the earth and where animals have begun to run rampant. House pets have turned feral and now live wild alongside escaped zoo animals, and plants have overrun the … […]

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