1. Japan News


Posted on 08 June 2015. Tags: boost, China, Claims, Manila, maritime, Pushes, Security, ties, Tokyo

Tokyo, Manila boost security ties as China pushes maritime claims TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan and the Philippines agreed to strengthen security ties and discussed transferring military equipment and technology on Thursday in Tokyo’s latest move to strengthen cooperation with Southeast Asian countries to counter China’s … Full News here – Read more on Reuters Canada

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Posted in Local News

Posted on 29 May 2013. Tags: …, Closer, cooperation, India’s, Japan, maritime, Says, Singh, Tokyo, urges

India’s PM Singh urges closer maritime co-operation with Japan; says Tokyo … TOKYO – Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says his country shares with Japan a strong strategic interest in expanding co-operation on maritime security and promoting regional stability. Singh said Tuesday that India views Japan as a “natural and … Full News here – […]

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