Posted on 11 January 2015. Tags: Crave, Flash, giveaway, Kisai, Tokyo, touchscreen, Vortex, wristwatch

Crave giveaway: Tokyo Flash Kisai Vortex touchscreen wristwatch The Tokyo Flash Kisai Vortex wristwatch: smoky effects not included. Tokyo Flash. Happy 2015! If you’ve resolved to start the new year with flashier wrists, you’re in the right place. This week, we’re giving away a Kisai Vortex wristwatch from Tokyo … Full News here – Read […]

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Posted on 03 September 2013. Tags: Flash, Kisai, MakerBits, Stencil, Tokyo, Video, Watch, Watches

Visitaaa: ¿Como encontrarme? Si comentas es el primer paso :3 NON-STOP (^w^)/… Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in Videos

Posted on 05 September 2012. Tags: Hexagons, Kisai, Tells, Time, Zone

The Kisai Zone Tells the Time in Hexagons The Kisai Zone Tells the Time in Hexagons Tokyo Flash, the Japanese watchmaker which loves to make hard-to-read timepieces, has just launched its latest model: the Zone, which tells the time in hexagons. In fact, this time round it’s actually not too … Full News here – […]

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