1. Japan News


Posted on 01 February 2015. Tags: Agonizing, Beheading, choice, citizen, Japanese, leaves, Tokyo

Beheading of Japanese Citizen Leaves Tokyo With Agonizing Choice By David FrancisDavid Francis is a staff writer for Foreign Policy, where he runs the widely-read Situation Report morning email and oversees FP’s breaking news blog, The Cable. An award-winning journalist, David has reported from all over Europe … Full News here – Read more on […]

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Posted in Local News

Posted on 30 December 2014. Tags: choice, poor, Tokyo’s

Tokyo’s poor: Abe will win, what choice do we have? A tax-hike-induced recession has shaken confidence in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic policies, but voters in one of Tokyo’s poorest neighborhoods feel there’s no option but to drink the Abe-flavored Kool-Aid as Sunday’s elections … Full News here – Read more on CNBC

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Posted in Local News

Posted on 14 December 2014. Tags: choice, default, Japan’s, makes, opposition, weak

Japan’s weak opposition makes Abe default choice A supporter of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party holds Japan’s national flag and the party’s leaflet during an election campaign by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo, one day before Parliament’s lower house election, Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. Full News here – Read more on Lexington Herald Leader

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Posted in Local News

Posted on 13 December 2012. Tags: choice, Governor, Inose, Leads, ponder, Race, their, Tokyo, voters

Inose leads race for Tokyo governor as 40% of voters ponder their choice Support for Inose, 66, who was named by former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara as his successor, stands at 60 to 70 percent among those who back the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party). He also […]

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Posted in Local News