
Tokyo shook hard today but the earthquake proofing we hear so much about lived up to the hype.

Normally I wouldn’t put the 28th floor of an office building high on my list of places to be during a magnitude 9 earthquake, but despite the occasional doomsday moment, i ended up with a nice warm fuzzy feeling about Mori Tower and its architects. Many people ended up staying overnight either because they coudln’t get home (trains are shut down) or because it’s safer than their own apartment building.

Anyway, for the most part Tokyo is standing strong, hoping this counted as “the big one” we’ve been waiting for.

Image published by eblaser on 2011-03-11 17:25:23 and used under Creative Commons license.

Tagged: , sendai , 2011 , earthquake , tokyo , 8.8 , 8.9 , megathrust , shinjuku , sunset , clouds , city , skyline , jishin , 365 , 365:2011 , 東京 , 地震 , 仙台

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